
Úvod » Semináře » From Screen to Syllabus: Using search trends and documentaries to strengthen collaboration between the library and faculty

From Screen to Syllabus: Using search trends and documentaries to strengthen collaboration between the library and faculty

Kdy: 24. 9. 2024, 17:00 – 18:00
Vložné: zdarma, nutná registrace

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In this webinar we’ll discuss how the timely research topics can be explored through documentary films and brought to life in a variety of courses. We’ll also spend time learning how libraries can leverage films to help connect their library content to the faculty they support.

Join us to:

  • Explore documentaries on popular research topics: iHUMAN (AI), The Invisible Extinction (Health/Medicine), and Resilience: The Biology of Stress & the Science of Hope (Psychology) and their applications in a variety of courses
  • Learn, from educational expert Fran Sterling (Blueshift Education), how to assist faculty in deriving insights from documentaries to support curriculum and encourage learning
  • Share ideas on how to encourage collaboration with faculty to support lectures and student learning using documentaries
  • Receive tools to promote librarian/faculty collaboration using documentaries as the facilitator

Organizováno pod hlavičkou CHOICE, za podpory ProQuest, Part of Clarivate. Webinář bude v angličtině online přímo ve vašem internetovém prohlížeči a pro přenos zvuku stačí, abyste měli k počítači připojeny reproduktory nebo sluchátka.