
Úvod » Semináře » Simulation-based Education: contemporary knowledge and firsthand experience

Simulation-based Education: contemporary knowledge and firsthand experience

Tento seminář už sice nestihnete, ale jestli máte zájem o podobný, dejte nám vědět!
Kdy: 29. 5. 2024, 15:00 – 16:00
Vložné: zdarma, nutná registrácia

Zaregistrujte sa na webinár.

We would like to invite you to a webinar about Simulation Based Education (SBE), where Catherine Paton and Liz Simpson from University of Glasgow, will walk us through their journey and involvement in SBE.

Catie and Liz will talk more on their latest success ‚Simulation-based Education‘ a book that is newly published by Elsevier. A long journey that started with selecting contributors, challenges working during COVID while all contributors were clinically active and more on their major achievements applying simulation.

Join us to know more on SBE and how you can apply it in your teaching.


  • Elizabeth Simpson, Lecturer, Nursing & Health Care School at University of Glasgow
  • Catherine Paton, Associate Director of Medical Education, NHS Lanarkshire Medical Education, Kirklands Hospital