
Úvod » Semináře » Creating effective videos for libraries

Creating effective videos for libraries

Tento seminář už sice nestihnete, ale jestli máte zájem o podobný, dejte nám vědět!
Kdy: 13. 5. 2021, 15:00 – 16:00
Vložné: zdarma, nutná registrace

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Tento bezplatný webinář je určen knihovnám, především lékařským a akademickým.
This webinar will look what matters and what doesn't with video marketing, the kinds of topics which suit the medium, and tips on how to boost engagement and ensure your videos are seen. We'll also look at various platforms for video creation, including using PowToon, Videoscribe and even PowerPoint. We hope that attendees will leave the webinar feeling they have options open to them, for making videos for a variety of purposes in the future.

Lektorem je Ned Potter, autor publikace The Library Marketing Toolkit.
Twitter: @ned_potter

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