
Úvod » Semináře » Literature Searches on Ovid - Hints & Tips

Literature Searches on Ovid - Hints & Tips

Tento seminář už sice nestihnete, ale jestli máte zájem o podobný, dejte nám vědět!
Kdy: 9. 9. 2021, 15:00 – 16:00
Vložné: zdarma, nutná registrace

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Tento bezplatný webinář je určen všem, kdo vyhledávají v odborných medicínských zdrojích za účelem vypracování (literární) rešerše.

Literature searches are an important part of research projects, especially in the early stages of research. They are a way of searching systematically, comprehensively, and exhaustively. A high-quality literature search will find all relevant literature on the topic. This increases the value and importance of the research, as well as the chances of getting it published in a high impact journal. In today's session we will look at how to construct a literature search on the Ovid platform, including tips and tricks such as specific Ovid commands, and common errors to avoid.

Lektorem je Charlotte Viken.

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