UpToDate Product Onboard Webinars

Kdy: | 3. 11. 2023, 10:00 – 11:00 |
Kde: | online prostredníctvom MS Teams |
Vložné: | zdarma, nutná registrácia |
Vyberte si termín a zaregistrujte sa:
Pozývame vás na online semináre s praktickými ukážkami práce so znalostným informačných zdrojom UpToDate pre lekársku prax založenú na dôkazoch.
Bude priestor aj na vaše otázky. Webináre sú určené pracovníkom a študentom z inštitúcií, ktoré majú licencovaný prístup k UpToDate alebo o ňom uvažujú.
Webináre sú v angličtine online priamo vo vašom internetovom prehliadači a na prenos zvuku stačí, aby ste mali k počítaču pripojené reproduktory alebo slúchadlá.
Every patient deserves to receive the best possible care from clinicians, confident in their decisions. That is why health systems and clinicians around the world turn to UpToDate every day. Over 100 research studies conclude that using UpToDate at the point of care helps improve outcomes and service delivery.
In this webinar, we will explain what UpToDate is, how to access and navigate quickly and find evidence-based answers to your clinical question.
Learn more about UpToDate, including:
- Creating an account
- Conducting a normal/advanced search
- Customizing your UpToDate homepage
- Help reduce medication errors with Drugs & Drug Interactions
- COVID-19 common questions and answers
- What's New & Practice Changing Updates
- Patient education engagement
- Earning and submitting Continuing Medical Education (CME) Credits
- Q&A
Ready to learn more about UpToDate decision support? Please register to join our live sessions.
Albertina icome Praha s.r.o., Štěpánská 16, 110 00 Praha 1
tel.: 222 231 212
e-mail: aip@aip.cz